Saturday 2 June 2012


"For clarity: Immediately I learned of yesterdays events I instructed our Chief Whip to start an investigation on behalf of our group into matters leading to Cllr Mike Harrison being given an harassment warning by the Police. That investigation is underway".
Clive Hart - Labour Group Leader


  1. we're funding bickering wee men to be rude to each other, and waste yet more public funds in harrassment or civil service hires and porkies, as the council and area declines

  2. Well why not immediately SUSPEND HIM Clive???

  3. Presumably Clive has been swimming under water a lot for most of us found out long before yesterday. Better late than never, but hardly swift, decisive leadership.

  4. What is wrong with the residents of Thanet? Why don't they insist on those who have disgraced their position as councillors be sacked immediately. Too often we see them acting like spoilt children, foul mouthed with no manners what so ever and never an apology made, they just make me sickwhat an example to set before the children of Thanet


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