Monday 9 January 2012

Labour Budget Changes - Same Old Labour

The changes which Thanet District Council Labour administration have made to the Conservative budget have included the reintroduction of non-essential spending by using the safety net which was set aside to protect the Council against unknown future needs in these uncertain economic times.

The Conservative administration specifically earmarked the pool of funds to protect the council and tax payers from future uncertainty in local government funding and a possible European and global economic downturn.

Martin Wise, Shadow Member for Finance, stated “When we left office in December, we passed on a prudent, balanced budget to the new Labour administration which delivered £1.5m savings, no increase in council tax, and no visible service reductions.

“However, it’s the same old Labour Party.  Thanet Labour has learned nothing from Gordon Brown’s reckless spending and his plundering of pensions and gold reserves. They have immediately raided the family silver and reduced our safety net in highly uncertain times.”


  1. There are lies, damned lies and Martin Wise's press releases.
    Page 101 Para 3.6 of the Council Budget papers explains it all really.
    " It is recommended that NO WITHDRAWAL from general reserves is made to support the base budget in the medium term"

  2. I dont think it says there is a withdrawal from general reserves. I think it says that the Conservative budget held on to a pool of funds for unknown requirements for reasons of prudence as far as I can see. And Labour just couldn't resist dipping into it at the first opportunity - just like they always do!


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