Wednesday 1 December 2010


Checks of vehicle repair companies in Thanet have revealed a variety of issues, with a total of 10 notices served.

The inspections were carried out as part of a Kent wide health and safety crackdown, looking at businesses that repair vehicles, fit tyres and exhausts, MOT stations and spray shops.

To date, 20 premises have been visited in Thanet and, during those visits, a total of nine notices and one prohibition notice have been served. The prohibition notice was served for unguarded work equipment.

Problems found include:
Businesses not having an asbestos survey or system for managing asbestos.
Poorly constructed or maintained electrical systems or unsafe wiring.
No extraction system for carbon dioxide emissions.
Unguarded or unsafe machinery.
No evidence of maintenance of vehicle hoists
General untidiness, which has included issues such as failing to keep floors clear from obstructions or spillages.

Throughout Kent, a total of 172 visits were carried out by officers from local authorities and the Health and Safety Executive. A total of 85 notices were served.

Cllr. Chris Wells, Cabinet Member for Community Services, said: “These inspections have highlighted a range of issues at some of the premises we visited and shows that we have targeted the right industry. While there have undoubtedly been some examples of good practice, sadly that’s not been the case everywhere, with a number of places operating well below the required standard. Where there are problems, our officers will be returning to ensure that standards have improved. This is something the council takes seriously, particularly when you consider that, in the last five years, there have been 24 deaths and over 8,000 injuries in the vehicle repair industry in this country. Anything we can do to stop that figure increasing in Thanet has to be a good thing.”

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